Asparagus is a vegetable with succulent shoots and scale-like leaves, belonging to the lily of the valley family. It was known to the ancient civilization of Egypt and Rome.
Four medium-sized spears (cooked, 60 g) contain 315 calories, 1.6 g protein, 2.6 g carbohydrate, 1.1 g fiber, 0.4 mg iron, 186 mg potassium, 50 RE vitamin A, 0.63 mg niacin,
16 mg vitamin C, and small amount of other vitamins.
Asparagus is an excellent source of glutathione and a good source of flavonoids, saponins, folate, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. Those food components in asparagus provide great power to fight various cancers and heart diseases. Asparagus is also known for its antifungal, diuretic, and antiviral activity. In addition, the low calorie content of asparagus makes it a good food for weight control.
Asparagus deteriorates and loses its vitamin C quickly under room temperature. Heavy cooking may reduce asparagus disease-fighting power by destroying some of its healing components. To get the most health benefits from asparagus, eat it fresh or lightly cooked.