
Oatmeal is ground oat groats or porridge made from oats steel-cut oats, crushed oats or rolled oats. Oatmeal is significant sources of dietary fiber. This fiber contains a mixture of about half soluble and half insoluble fibers. Also, it contains calcium,
vitamins, minerals and protein. Beta-glucans, one component of the soluble fiber found in oats, effective in lowering blood cholesterol. These advantageous properties of oatmeal makes it healthy meal for breakfast; the most important meal of the day. Excluding serving as an ideal breakfast, Oatmeal also helps in several home therapies to take care of certain medical conditions. Major health benefits of oatmeal are; it lowers bad cholesterol without affecting the good cholesterol so reduces the risk of heart disease when combined with a low fat diet.
Cholesterol and heart:
Oatmeal contains the soluble as well as insoluble fiber. Beta-glucans, a soluble fiber which has proven effective in lowering blood cholesterol. The bad cholesterol, LDL, is trapped without lowering good cholesterol (HDL) so reduces the risk of heart disease when combined with a low fat diet. Also, it contains antioxidants with vitamin E. The tocotrienols present in oats inhibit cholesterol synthesis and have been found to lower blood cholesterol.
Weight control:
Oats contain the most soluble fiber compared to barley and other cereal grains. The content of soluble fiber slows digestion. By Taking oatmeal, you feel full longer and thus help you to control your food intake following your weight.
Reduce risk of diabetes type 2:
Studies on oatmeal have shown that taking oatmeal produced small fluctuations in blood glucose and insulin level. It not only reduces the risk of diabetes 2 but also the risk of heart disease and in weight control. To add oat in the diet is recommended to the diabetic people by the American Diabetes Association.
Regulates bowel movements:
Due to its fiber content it regulates your bowel movements. Insoluble fiber present in oats dissolves in water and absorbs many times its own weight of liquid. Thus, helps to decrease chances of getting constipation by making heavier stool. It also reduces the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Blood Pressure:

Daily using of whole oats rich in soluble fiber in diet can reduce hypertension, or high blood pressure, and so reduce the need for anti-hypertensive medication.
Anti cancer:
Like other grains and vegetables, Oats contain hundreds of phytochemicals which helps to reduce a person’s risk of getting cancer.
Athletic Performance:
It is a source of carbohydrates which provide calories for energy needs. In scientific studies, Oats have been shown to alter metabolism and enhance performance when ingested 45 minutes to 1 hour before exercise of moderate intensity.

General Health and Longevity:

Oatmeal contains a good balance of essential fatty acids, which have been linked with longevity and general good health, and also have one of the best amino acid profiles of any grain.